23-April-1863: Pvt. John McCabe age 22 of "E" Company 97th Pennsylvania Infantry died of a gunshot wound. Pvt. John McCabe was born around 1841 in Wilmington, Delaware. His mother Ann was from Ireland. In 1850 Ann is listed as the head of the household in Wilmington, Delaware. Her occupation is listed as a spinner. John is listed as being 14 years old. Ann Lamb age 2 is also listed in the home. I could not find a solid lead in the 1860 census.
John McCabe enlisted for 3 years service on 18-Sept-1862 in "E" Company 97th Pennsylvania Infantry known as the "Mulligan Guards". He was listed as 21 years old at the time of his enlistment. He is listed in the 97th Pennsylvania Infantry records as: "Accidentally shot by the Sgt. of the guard, in camp at Seabrook Island, S.C." He must have been transported to John's Island, N.Y. because he is listed there in death records as:
birth date:1841
residence: 1863 Co. J. 97 Penn. ( McCabe was in Company E – There was no Company J in the 97th Pa. Infantry Regiment. )
burial place:Old Chester, Pen.
death date:23 Apr 1863
death place: John's Island, New York
age: 22
U.S. National Interment records list him in the Philadelphia National Cemetery as grave # 75. Originally buried in Bristol & W Hall Cemeteries in Philadelphia.
So here we have Pvt. John McCabe 22 years old killed by accidental shooting. After checking the U.S. Register of Deaths of Vols 61-65 I found a different account of his death. The cause of death is listed in the records as: "Shot by the Sgt. of Patrol for disobedience of orders." What orders did the young man disobey that called for his death we may never know. I could not find anymore on the event in question and he is not listed on the execution list for the 97th PVI. Regardless of how or why, death found this young soldier on 22-April-1863.
Pvt. John McCabe was survived by his Mother, Family, and Friends. May Pvt. John McCabe RIP!