Hugh H. Parykn was born in England around the year 1825. His father Hugh and family lived in Cornwall, England. He moved to the US sometime before 1860. He married Isabella Mann of Massachusetts sometime prior to 1860. In the 1860 census they are listed as living in Augusta, Georgia. They had a 8 month old son named Charles when the census was taken. Hugh's occupation was listed as a merchant's clerk. He was also an accomplished violinist.
Hugh heard the call to arms at the age of 35 and enlisted on 11-May-1861 for one year's service. He was mustered in the same day as a musician in "A" Company, 5th Georgia Infantry CSA known as the "Clinch Rifles." The men were excited to be going off to the big war and fight on the battlefield. They were sent to Pensacola, Florida to train and learn military drill and life. Letter's and diaries indicate the men were eager for battle and were enjoying the time there. They were receiving many goods from home. Georgia citizens were soon informed not to send the men anymore cakes. It was suggested they send sugar cured hams to the men instead.
Twenty days after enlisting death would find Pvt. Hugh H. Parykn. He was bitten by a snake sometime on the 31st of May. One roster list the snake that administered the fatal bite as a rattler. Official records list his death as: "Killed by snake bite on 31-May-1861 in Pensacola, Florida." The Daily Chronicle & Sentinel ran the following story on 1-June-1861: " We regret to learn that in a pvt dispatch that was received here last night; announcing the death of H.H. Parkyn, bugler of the clinch rifles, at Pensacola yesterday, resulting from the bite of a snake."
The Sacramento Daily Union ran the following story: "Hugh H. Parkyn, a bugler in the rebel army at Pensacola, died on the 31st from the bite of an adder."
At a time when men were preparing for war with glorified thoughts of dying on a battle field, the life of Hugh Parkyn was cut short by a snake bite. His body was returned to Georgia and laid to rest in the Linwood Cemetery in Columbus, Georgia.
Bugler Hugh H. Parkyn 35 of Augusta, Georgia was survived by his wife, 1 son, family, and friends. May Pvt. (bugler) Hugh H. Parkyn RIP!