Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Death found the 75th Pennsylvania Infantry on 15-April-1862

  The 75th Pennsylvania Infantry USA was taken part in the Shenandoah Valley Campaign during 1862. They had been camped near Paris, Va and were on the march to Winchester, Va.
   The 75th reached Berry's Ferry during the morning hours on the 15th of April. There they found the ferry had been partially destroyed by Confederate forces. Recent snow and sleet from April 7th until the 9th had helped flood the river. The Shenandoah was reported at the time to be about 500 feet wide at Berry's Ferry. The 75th Pa. Inf. went to work repairing the ferry when approached by a local woman. It is said that a Mrs. Nancy Benn had demanded the Union pay her for the cattle they had used during their stay. Upon her demands being ignored she made the statement "I hope that the ferry sinks and drowns the lot of you!" The soldiers continued to work on the ferry.
   In the afternoon the ferry had been repaired and the first group of soldiers began the rough journey to the other side. Now near 4 o'clock in the afternoon the 2nd group made up of companies "K" and "I" boarded the ferry. The soldiers in full packs were standing as the ferry began to cross the swollen river. The ferry's bow dipped somewhat into the water, bringing a little water on to the deck. The soldiers panicked and rushed to the stern and sides. The weight being shifted to one side caused it to cap size. Soldiers in full uniforms including packs were thrown into the swift icy water. Near by skiffs managed to save a few lucky soldiers from certain death. The raging flood waters were to swift and most would drown in the swollen Shenandoah.
    Sgt. Tiedemann known to be a great swimmer was said to have drowned while trying to save the life of Captain Wyck. In the cold freezing water of the Shenandoah River, Death would find 53 soldiers of the 75th Pa Inf. 2 Captains, 1 st LT., 3 Sgt., 6 Cpl., and 41 Pvt.s drowned on that cold day in April. May the 53 men of the 75th Pennsylvania Infantry that drowned 15-April-1862 RIP!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank you for your research. I have been searching long and hard to find my relative Elwood Chew. Your information is greatly appreciated
